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16  General Category / Non-related stuff / Re: Burgundy Ridge fiction story! on: May 23, 2009, 06:18:51 AM
...eating creme-filled scones will playing Monopoly underwater, which led to....
17  Questions about.... / Partner Towns / List of Partner Towns on: May 20, 2009, 05:19:16 PM
I would like to welcome all English Speaking BSW game players to our forum!

If you would like to become a partner town with Burgundy Ridge, just join our forum and post here, or email me directly at jeff@gamerjeff.com   I will pass your request on to our Mayor and get back to you as quickly as possible!

Partner Towns currently:
Great White North

Being a partner town means that we help each other in milling, forging and playing games in our respective towns! 
Of course, if there is something that you want to do see on the website or forum as well, just let us know!
18  General Category / Non-related stuff / Re: Burgundy Ridge fiction story! on: May 05, 2009, 09:15:17 PM
....broke out into a musical adaptation of Little Shop of Horrors meets Field of Dreams, where as the world comes to an end, Pinky and the Brain build a flower shop in the middle of a baseball diamond and talking plants with backup singers vie for control of the world while Pinky decides that he *can* use the peanut butter and beach ball.   

Until, at the end of the musical, right in the middle of the stand-up-and-sing while-I've-got-goose-bumps-this-song-is-so-good bring-the-house-down finale, all at once it......
19  Questions about.... / BSW / Re: Prop File updates on: May 05, 2009, 04:38:41 AM
I've updated the online download of both the game list and the prop file.
20  General Category / Non-related stuff / Re: Burgundy Ridge fiction story! on: May 02, 2009, 05:45:40 PM
....that the entire town, lost to the swirls of time and only reappearing once every 31.8 days and only for a 5-day period each time, had the strangest feeling while drinking their grog and wolfing down scones heaped with ginormous amounts of honey butter, that they had been there before, celebrating with the dragon.  Some would even call it deja vu.  But not the townspeople and their new-found friends the male cheerleaders.   No, they might call it a dream, a fantasy or even a strange thread only found on a forum somewhere, but deja vu?  No.  Instead, they came almost simultaneously to a decision.  Instead of the weekly bridge tournament they decided instead to ....
21  General Category / Non-related stuff / Re: Burgundy Ridge fiction story! on: April 30, 2009, 09:17:30 PM
....during the square dance the cheerleaders showed up and.....
22  General Category / Non-related stuff / Re: Burgundy Ridge fiction story! on: April 30, 2009, 05:07:33 AM
....the dragon swooped in eating the town's toothpaste supply.  This left them...
23  Questions about.... / BSW / World Map on: April 29, 2009, 07:07:42 PM
Coasterb wanted to know about the World Map on BSW

Burgundy Ridge is located at   X = 124, Y = 54
24  Questions about.... / BSW / Re: Prop File updates on: April 29, 2009, 06:48:02 PM
Okay, just a couple of quick notes here:

1) Read the links for BSW about Prop Files in the first post if you haven't already.  These will explain a lot of stuff that we will be talking about later.

2) Here are some things to keep in mind about your prop file:

  Be careful when editing this file.
  It's always a good idea to keep a backup copy of your PROP file, just in case.
  The changes you make to your prop file will only take place at your next login.
  Each line MUST be a separate command.
  The order of the commands does not matter. User-defined menus can be tagged at the front of a command to create menu sequences.
  Be careful of Blanks or TABs at the end of a line which may make the prop file compile incorrectly, then you won't be able to enter BSW!  Blanks can however be used within menu commands to make your menus more meaningful.
  Everything placed after a '#' is considered a comment and not executed by the computer. '#' Characters are particularly useful as reference texts for later review.
  Blank lines will be ignored and are treated like the # comments.
  The structure used in each line takes the form COMMAND = VALUE.

A couple of things you can most likely omit:
  Internet Connection options can be omitted as they usually default to you PC settings anyway.
  Automatic Login options can be omitted so no one else can log in from your computer.
     If two people share the same computer from time to time, you definitely want to leave this out!

A couple of things you should really change and make sure you have in your prop file:
  Nation = en  should be changed to   Nation = en-us
  reconnect = 10
  Client = Vampire

25  Questions about.... / BSW / Prop File updates on: April 29, 2009, 05:00:48 PM
If you don't have a prop file that you are customizing, you are missing out on a lot of cool things you can do!

I am going to be talking about the prop file and what you can do with it using the new Vampire Client from BSW.

If you have questions going forward, please start your post with the following:
    I have the Base Client (old version)             REFERENCE: http://www.brettspielwelt.de/Hilfe/Client/PropDatei/?nation=en
    I have the Vampire Client (new version)       REFERENCE: http://www.brettspielwelt.de/Hilfe/Client/ClientVampire/

This will help whomever responds to your questions with the correct answers!

First - you really should be on the new Vampire Client!  (This is just what BSW is calling it!) 
   You can see and/or set the following:
     - the country flags of everyone who logs on
     - Male, female or puppet status of everyone
     - change the colors of everyone's writing
     - change the background colors and writing colors of all of BSW
     - administer all of your channels and private chats much easier
     - pop up windows with pictures of your online friends list
     - ability to run 10 startup commands
     - ability to add quick buttons and more!
Also, with a prop file you can make custom menus, have custom function keys and more!

Here is a picture of the "chat" portion:

Notice you can have multiple channels and see which ones you need to respond to
as well as always seeing who is in the room with you or in channel with you!

  from within BSW type /client vampire            [this will TEMPORARILY put the Vampire Client on your system]

If you want to permanently be on the new Vampire Client, put the following in your prop file:
   client = Vampire

Over the next few posts I will try to break down the prop file with comments, using examples and screenshots.  If you have ideas not listed, please list them as all of us can use the information!  [Sharing is good!]

To start with, you will need a text editor of some kind to edit the prop file.  NotePad will work if you don't have a favorite one.
Your prop file is called Brettspielwelt.prop

Where is the prop file?  Well it depends on your pc and operating system.
On my desktop unit my prop file is in this folder:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff\Application Data\BSW
On my laptop my prop file is in this folder:
    C:\Roaming Data\BSW

If you make a mistake, don't worry.  You can always edit it and change it again.
If you really mess up, you can always download our prop file located on our Burgundy Ridge downloads page.

I will end this post with a copy of the old standard Base Client prop file:

################BEGINNING OF FILE##############################
# Configuration data for the download client of Brettspielwelt.
# A detailed description of the configuration can be found on:
# http://www.brettspielwelt.de/Hilfe/Client/PropDatei/?nation=en
# Technical data
# ----------------------------------------------------------

# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Behaviour when losing connection to the server

reconnect = 10

# when the connections is lost (server reboot, lag),
# the client tries to connect to the server again automatically.
# In this case after 10 sec.
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Connection server

#Host =
#Port = 7670

# Data of the server whith which the client connects, change this
# only in case of problems.
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Tunneling a Firewall

#HttpProxyHost =
#HttpProxyPort = 8080

# Internal ip-address of a firewall and the port which
# can be used to let your client connect to the internet.
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---

# Startup behaviour
# ----------------------------------------------------------

# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Automatic login for BSW

#Name =[OWN NICK]
#Password =[OWN PASSWORD]

# Put your own name and password here and remove the # before both lines
# to let the client log in automatically.
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Starting room and game

#Room =19
# marks the starting location in BSW (in this case Armfeld)

#Game = ManagerBoard

# If there is a game or a Manager in the starting location
# you can start at the game table directly.
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Multilingual settings

Nation = en

# You can set your favorite language after Nation to change
# the language of the client interface (if translations are available
# in that language). For more information about languages see:
# http://www.brettspielwelt.de/Hilfe/Sprachen/?nation=en
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Toolbar

OpenTools = on

# Tools open automatically (e.g. the infotool when doing /info Playername)
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---

# Look and Feel
# ----------------------------------------------------------

# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Dimension and position of the client

WinHeight = 567
WinWidth = 610
#WinPosX = -2
#WinPosY = -2

# If you have changed the dimensions and postion of your client when you're online
# you can get the values that you can put here with the command: /getsize
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Chat configuration - Fonts and colors

# foType = Font type
# foSize = Font size
# foCol = Font color
# bgCol = Background color
# inpfoCol = Font color in the input line
# inpbgCol = Background color of the input line
# tell_ = References the tell windows
# Channel_ =  References the channel windows

# Mainchat
foType = Helvetica
foSize = 12
foCol = 000000
bgCol = DDDDDD
inpfoCol = 000000
inpbgCol = FFFFFF

# Chat configuration - Fonts and colors
# Tell windows
tell_foType = Helvetica
tell_foSize = 12
tell_foCol = 000000
tell_bgCol = EBEBFF
tell_inpfoCol = 000000
tell_inpbgCol = FFFFFF

# Chat configuration - Fonts and colors
# Channel windows
chan_foType = Helvetica
chan_foSize = 12
chan_foCol = 000000
chan_bgCol = FFFFDE
chan_inpfoCol = 000000
chan_inpbgCol = FFFFFF
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Chat configuration - Timestamp

Time = off

# on / off : (de)activates the time at the beginning
# of each chatline.
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Chat configuration - Collection of chats

CollectChat = on

# on / off / notell to turn collectchat on, off or just for channel windows
# When a new tell or channel window opens it is automatically put in the collection
# next tot the main chat. This reduces the number of windows that are open
# Additional options for the collectchat can be found on:
# http://www.brettspielwelt.de/Hilfe/Client/PropDatei/?nation=en
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Operating (Keyboard shortcuts, menus)
# ----------------------------------------------------------

#MenuBar = on

# Setting this parameter activates the menu border at the top of the client
# Tool Bar. The menu itself is defined next
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Operating (Keyboard shortcuts, menus)
# ----------------------------------------------------------

# Menus [File]
MenuFile-Sound_off = */sound off
MenuFile-Sound_on = */sound on
MenuFile-Setsize_normal = */setsize
MenuFile-Version = */version
MenuFile-- =
MenuFile-Friends_online= */friendsonline
MenuFile-ADD_watchlist = +/add watch
MenuFile-DELETE_watchlist = +/delete watch
MenuFile-LIST_watchlist = */list watch
MenuFile-save = */save
MenuFile-- =
MenuFile-City_information = */cityinfo
MenuFile-Command_overiew = */help

# Menus [Game]
MenuGame-Reset-R = */reset
MenuGame-Join-J = */join
MenuGame-Start-S = */start
MenuGame-Accept-A = */accept
MenuGame-Peek-P = +/peek

# Menu [SingleUserGames]
MenuSingleUserGames-Wüste = */room 51
MenuSingleUserGames-Rotactical_MogelPat= */room 52
MenuSingleUserGames-Packman_Disloge= */room 20
MenuSingleUserGames-Darts= */room 36

# Menu [MultiUserGames]
MenuMultiUserGames-Manager = */manager
MenuMultiUserGames-- =
# ---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
# Setting shortcuts for F-keys for the main chat
# You can find an explanation of all the individual commands at:
# http://www.brettspielwelt.de/Hilfe/Kommandos/?nation=en
# If you use an F-key the specified command is automatically entered
# in the input line. You can also specify combinations with Shift, Ctrl
# or Ctrl-Shift.
# Notice the -, + and * used before the commands and remove the #
# in front of the lines you want to use.
# with +TEXT the TEXT is entered in the input line
# (if there was already some other tekst there, it will be replaced with TEXT)
# with -TEXT the TEXT is entered at the cursor position
# with *TEXT the TEXT is sent to the server immediately
# (which can be useful for some commands, an example is provided with F9)

FKey1 = +/ghook
ShiftFKey1 = */thook
#CtrlFKey1 =
#ShiftCtrlFKey1 =

FKey2 = +/tell
ShiftFKey2 = */ttell Could you please help me?
#CtrlFKey2 =
#ShiftCtrlFKey2 =

FKey3 = +/gtell SPV_en .
#ShiftFKey3 =
#CtrlFKey3 =
#ShiftCtrlFKey3 =

#FKey4 = */ctell .
#ShiftFKey4 =
#CtrlFKey4 =
#ShiftCtrlFKey4 =

FKey5 = */allowpeek yes
ShiftFKey5 = +/peek
#CtrlFKey5 =
#ShiftCtrlFKey5 =

FKey6 = +/whereis
ShiftFKey6 = +/info
#CtrlFKey6 =
#ShiftCtrlFKey6 =

#FKey7 =
#ShiftFKey7 =
#CtrlFKey7 =
#ShiftCtrlFKey7 =

FKey8 = */manager
ShiftFKey8 = +/game
#CtrlFKey8 =
#ShiftCtrlFKey8 =

FKey9 = *TEST with *
ShiftFKey9 = +TEST with +
CtrlFKey9 = -TEST with -
#ShiftCtrlFKey9 =

# Setting shortcuts for F-keys for channels and tells
# You can find an explanation of all the individual commands at:
# http://www.brettspielwelt.de/Hilfe/Kommandos/?nation=en
C-FKey1 = */chwho
C-FKey2 = */exit
#C-FKey3 =

#C-FKey4 =
#C-ShiftFKey4 =
#C-CtrlFKey4 =
#C-ShiftCtrlFKey4 =
#######################END OF FILE###########################
26  General Category / Non-related stuff / Re: Burgundy Ridge fiction story! on: April 29, 2009, 04:23:45 PM
...the town citizens had a big party not knowing that...
27  Questions about.... / Games / Re: Carcassonne on: April 28, 2009, 11:56:30 PM
Good question!

I've searched all of the rules pages on BSW, info pages on BSW as well as the BSW forum and cannot find an answer yet.

I will submit a technical question in the BSW forums.
28  General Category / Non-related stuff / Re: Swine Flu... on: April 28, 2009, 11:40:07 PM
So the Kirkland Company must have a BSW account to play Pandemic, huh?  Smiley
29  General Category / Non-related stuff / New Star Trek Movie on: April 28, 2009, 06:51:45 PM
Okay, we all have other interests, and one of my biggest loves since a little kid has been Star Trek!

The new movie comes out on May 7th - who is going to see it? 

The trailers and teasers are here:  http://www.startrekmovie.com/

At first I wasn't sure about them re-doing the whole thing (Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty and the rest - all with different actors) but now am thinking it is kinda cool.  I guess we will see how they handle it.

AND if it brings Star Trek back to a regular TV shows that would be cool too!
30  Website suggestions / Website Suggestions / Making suggestions on: April 28, 2009, 01:40:41 AM
Okay, the website is open to the public.

All forum topics here EXCEPT Burgundy Ridge Related is open to the public.
(This means that guests can view, but only members may post.)

Once someone registers, they will be able to view Burgundy Ridge Related topics as well.

If you have a suggestion for improvements, changes, etc., or general questions, just leave a topic here and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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